We're getting through this as a family

We made it through another month

It's been a little over a month since Thailand declared an emergency decree. Today it was announced that it has been extended for another month. 

For the most part, the effects haven't hit us too hard. The kids are still training twice daily, cleaning their rooms, doing chores, and have been passing the time fishing. It has been a very humbling experience for me to see the kids accept the chaos that the pandemic has created, and just stay home- no questions asked. They are good kids.

Wor. Watthana Muay Thai - April Update 1.jpg

I have been fortunate enough to continue my online work, and Boom has been able to teach a few Zoom classes as well, which has been a lot of fun for him. We want to thank our corporate sponsor North Florida Muay Thai, for hosting these classes and giving Boom such an amazing opportunity. It is also a great learning experience for the kids, to see the vast opportunities that Muay Thai has to offer. Despite their livelihoods being completely shut down, Boom's classes have exemplified that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

The new addition to our family

As many of you know, my trainer sadly passed away a few months ago. Long before his passing, he asked for me to take care of his son Bia when he died. Six weeks ago, I went to Bangkok to fulfill the promise I made and picked up Bia to bring him to his new home- our home.

Fast forward to today, and Bia is thriving! He can run 3.5km without stopping, is eating all of his vegetables, and learning English. Bia is very artistic, and he enjoys spending his days drawing– thanks to all the art supplies that have been donated to us. He had his sixth birthday with us and will be starting in Grade One as soon as the schools reopen.

He's very excited to start school and has settled into our routine perfectly. It has been great to see the other kids, particularly Bpaet, step up to help me with Bia, and make him feel welcomed.

COVID-19 and its devastating impacts in Thailand

Although COVID-19 hasn't seemed to take root here as it has in other countries, the effect on the economy has been devastating. It has been estimated that there has been nearly the same number of COVID-19 related suicides as there have been deaths from the actual virus. The government has completely abandoned its people, only "further exposing the chasm between the rich and the poor."

We want to again thank our monthly donors for everything they are doing for these children and their families, and the stability they are continuing to provide them. Once again we were able to pay Kru Nye his full salary, I can't even put into words what this means to him. Kru Nye has dedicated his entire life to Muay Thai. Through fighting, he was able to put himself and his younger brother through university. He's devoted so much to this sport, and it's astounding to see this community give back to him. He's beyond humbled by all of the support, and so am I.

We also want to thank everyone who has made donations recently. The support we received has echoed positively throughout the community– you are letting these people know they are valued.

Muay Thai 4 Orphans was one of many to have stepped up during this time. Thanks to the influx of donations, we were able to deliver supplies to people in the village, and send money to gyms in need. We plan to provide continued support to our community and do another round of donations shortly.

Sumalee Boxing and the support they're providing their community

On the other side of the country, our amazing corporate donors, Lynne and Rhian of Sumalee Boxing, have been delivering supplies to a group of Burmese Migrant Labour Camps in Phuket. This pair of power women have gone to the camp on their own accord to deliver essential supplies first hand.

On top of this, Sumalee Boxing has also been handing out free meals to local Thais who have been completely abandoned by their government. It is currently estimated that 6 million people will be unemployed in tourism alone. The majority of those people work in Phuket and Pattaya; many of whom call Isaan their home.

Lynne and Rhian's mission to help show just how large of an impact you can make in your own backyard. If you are in a position to help, you can reach out to them here.

Lastly, we want to thank all of the healthcare professionals that are working tirelessly day in and day out to keep our communities safe. I hope that you can find some solace in knowing how happy and thankful our kids are for all of your hard work. And to everyone else, wherever you are in the world, we hope that you are healthy and safe.

We are going to get through this as a family– the only way we know how.